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Cow and Environment

One of the many meanings of the word (Cow) "Go" is earth.

All the products from the cow are environment friendly and have no adverse impact on the environment. An indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers has led to the deterioration in the soil quality and research has proved that the productivity levels have come down drastically with the sustained use of these fertilizers. Most of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have detrimental effect on soil as well as water quality and have been the major source of environmental pollution and diseases.

In contrast, all the products from the cows are environment friendly and their use enriches the soil. In fact, cow dung and the cow urine along with other organic matters are foremost among known substances that improve and sustain soil quality and fertility.

Cow dung is a very good disinfectant. In olden days, cow dung used to be mixed with water and applied in front of houses every day as a disinfectant. Our misplaced sense of cleanliness in modern times has classified cow dung as dirty. Nothing can be farther from the truth.

Neem and certain other leaves mixed with cow urine is a very effective pest repellant. This has no adverse effect on environment and health. Chemical pesticides are highly toxic and have severe detrimental effect on environment and health. Most of the current day diseases have their origin in pesticides.

Gobar gas has proven to be a very cost effective and environment friendly alternative fuel for rural households.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his monthly address to the nation, Mann Ki Baat [4th May 2018], mentioned the roll-out of the GOBAR-Dhan (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources) Yojana that was announced in the 2018-19 Budget."

In recent times even agricultural lands destroyed by Tsunami and rendered unfit for agriculture, were reclaimed by applying cow dung in large quantities.
Cow plays a key role not only in protecting our environment but provides a regular source of income to the farmers.

Hence, it is the duty of CIGI to protect the Indian breed cows. We are taking initiatives for Go Protection and developing a good feed for them. Further, utilising the extracts of Cow for various products.